We are two sisters living on separate sides of the country. One of the things that connects us, beside our love of hot beverages, is fitness. We love to run and strength train, and share the benefits of exercise with others. From the sisters who created Illume Fitness, we bring you Illuminated Runners: musings on running, cross fit, strength training, family, travel, life, and some serious dorkiness in there, too. "The spirit illuminates everything."

Friday, May 29, 2015

Crossfit and the Importance of PLAY!

Yesterday morning I woke up to my alarm at 4:50 am. I'm starting to get into the rhythm of the 5:15 am crossfit WOD on Tuesdays & Thursdays, but I don't know if it will ever be "easy" to get out of bed before 5 am. It certainly helped that a friend was picking me up for the WOD, so I knew I had to get moving for her. Mind you, getting up at 4:50 am gives me exactly 12 minutes to get from my bed to her car, so I rolled out of bed, grabbed my workout clothes, and threw on a hat. Side note, I've been getting crazy bed-head lately, which is why I wear a hat to all my workouts and runs. We're talking world-record-breaking bed-head.

Anyway, so my friend and I drove up to the Confluence just as the sun was coming up over the mountains. Pink sky, gorgeous morning. We met the crew of 6 fellow early birds and our instructor, Tyler, and began to warm up inside. Our warm-up was a 12 minute fun mixture of mobility and agility movements (which I dubbed the "mobag" warm-up. But don't worry, I dubbed it that silently, to myself, because I do realize it probably wasn't funny to anyone else. Not at 5:15 am anyway). After the mobag, we headed outside to the Fit Park:

First up outside was a 10 minute game of Hoover Ball. Ah, what now? Hoover Ball is kind of like volleyball, only with a 6 pound medicine ball. I was feeling a little suspect about it all, kind of wanted to go right ahead and skip it. You know, maybe do some more mobagging or something. But we got set up at the volleyball net, 3 against 3, and started tossing the ball over the net. Suddenly, the theme song to Top Gun began blasting (again, only in my head), and I put myself right in that Tom Cruise shirtless volleyball scene (though I wisely kept my shirt on), and we played a serious game of Hoover Ball. So fun, and turned out to be great core work as I can tell today with my sore abs.

Hoover Ball!
Not Hoover Ball.
I'm Tom Cruise and I give the thumbs-up to Hoover Ball. (Silently, in Richarda's head).

While playing Hoover Ball outside as the day was just starting, it struck me how important play is, even for adults. On Thursdays, I work a 10 hour day, and being up at the Confluence in the morning of a long work day felt like my recess. My time to get my body moving, get a workout in, but most importantly, my time to play. I know I went into the game a bit begrudgingly, but a mere 2 minutes into it the power of play was not lost on me. The ball was slippery and it was a challenge to catch, but we were all diving, tossing and catching as if we were on an elementary school playground. There was a lot of laughing going on. It was a total bonus that we were getting a good workout in at the same time, and also a bonus that this was playing in my head. If you clicked on the link, #yourewelcome #imsorry. 

And, then, there was the Workout of the Day (WOD). It was a 15 minute as many rounds as possible (AMRAP), of 8 Atlas stone lifts, 8 barrier hops, and 8 toes to bar. The Atlas stone lifts involved lifting these stone balls to your shoulder (sounds easier than it is!):

The barrier hops involved hoisting yourself up and over these barriers. I dubbed this the "heimlich," not silently to myself. I'll be all set if I want to snack on grapes and hot dogs near one of these:

And, the toes to bars were exactly that, swing your toes up to the bar using one of these bars on the pull up shrine:

Like Hoover Ball, this workout was challenging but was pure play for me. Given my soreness today, I know I worked my muscles hard, but I smiled my way through it. Thank you, Confluence, for reminding me how much fun exercise can be. 

And, yeah, we all got pretty dirty out there. You know how all the advertisements for "adventure races" or "muddy races" show pictures of mud-smeared, laughing people, having so much fun? That's because it is fun to play and get muddy, even when you're pushing 40! My friend and I tried to capture the dirt in this picture, but it doesn't really show the full effect (nor does it remotely resemble the stylishly dirty people in the aforementioned ads):

Thanks, Confluence, for reminding me to PLAY! Time to get outside in the dirt again...

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