We are two sisters living on separate sides of the country. One of the things that connects us, beside our love of hot beverages, is fitness. We love to run and strength train, and share the benefits of exercise with others. From the sisters who created Illume Fitness, we bring you Illuminated Runners: musings on running, cross fit, strength training, family, travel, life, and some serious dorkiness in there, too. "The spirit illuminates everything."

Friday, June 28, 2013

Track Workout and Amaza-abs

Since we are staying in Burlington this week, I thought it was a great opportunity to try out the GMAA track workouts, held Thursday evenings at the UVM track. I ventured over, feeling a little anxious about meeting new people and jumping right into their track workout. But I was also excited to meet the coach, Kasie Enman, who is a local running celebrity and the women's winner of the 2012 Key Bank Vermont City Marathon.

When I arrived at the track, I discovered sadly that Kasie was not coming and we were on our own. Me and a bunch of runners I had never met. But, as it usually goes in running, I was soon warming up and chatting with another runner. Once warmed up, I decided the workout that Kasie had shared, perhaps through ESP with a fellow GMAA member, was not going to work for me (1000 repeats at 5K pace). I really wanted something quicker and faster to best prepare me for the Montpelier Mile next week. An 8 months pregnant woman whose belly looked only slightly bigger than my 2.5 years postpartum belly motioned me over. She's one of the coaches for OnTrack Health and Fitness, and they also do their track workouts there every Thursday evening. She graciously offered for me to join their 400 repeat workout (8 times, with 1.5 min rest between). I was relieved to find out she was coaching and timing, not actually running the 400 repeats herself. Because surely she and her super-fit unborn child would have kicked my butt, and that would just be a rough blow to my ego.

So me and three other runners started out on the first 400. I was happy to discover that one of the other women runners was about my speed, though a little faster, and I finished just behind her on the first one. But, dang, it was so stinking humid out and I wasn't sure I could do 7 more of these. With 1.5 minutes of rest in between, I went to drink some water. Then the woman who I had just run with took off her shirt. "You go, girl", I thought, as I'm always impressed with women who have the confidence to do that. Just then I was blinded by the glow of her amazing abs! Jesus, that's just unfair. Abs really can look like that without photoshop, I didn't know it was true. Luckily the coach called us to the line right before I impulsively reached out to see if Amaza-abs' stomach was as rock hard as it looked.

The rest of the repeats went a little like this:
#2 "this isn't so bad"
#3 "sweet, right on pace"
#4 "it's really, really hot out"
#5 "seriously, Amaza-abs, you had to sprint on that one?"
#6 "is it ok to call it after this one?"
#7 "I. Can. Barely. Move. My. Legs."
 #8 "I may vomit."

But, I did it! And, 30 minutes later when the nausea subsided, I was so glad I had gone. And, I'm glad to know about OnTrack Health & Fitness. The two coaches there (Kim and Kelly) were really nice and seemed to be offering great suggestions to their runners. I'm always humbled by the kindness of runners- once I step out of my comfort zone and meet new runners in a race or workout, I always leave feeling a great sense of connection to an awesome community. And now I know what rock hard abs look like up close. Thanks, Amaza-abs.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Let the Adventure Begin!

Last day of school for my oldest today. We leave for 2 months on Sunday. We need to get our house ready for renters and get all our stuff together to be a mobile family of 5 for 8 weeks. Oh, and my husband and I still need to work, we're not on vacation. Things are starting to get real over here at the Ericson's house.

The one thing that's keeping me sane is running. My running clothes are set to go, though nothing else is. I've got my favorite shorts and tanks ready to go (thanks, Oiselle), and my sneaker rotation is lined up at the door. I have my races on the calendar: Montpelier Mile July 3rd (I love that distance! I know many of you think I'm crazy for that, but I do!), Caspian Challenge July 27th, and the VT 100 on 100 Relay August 17th. Hopefully with other races scattered in there.

Breath in. Breath out. It will be a crazy summer, but it will also be an amazing adventure for our family. We're uprooting and traveling all over the state- camping, house-sitting, visiting family, staying in a couple different cottages. And all the while, the boys will be exploring, going to the beach, eating ice cream, and generally living the kid-dream. And I will have my sneakers and will be set to run wherever we are. Putting my sneakers on is my favorite way to explore, connect, relax and enjoy life. I can't wait to begin. And I can't wait to write all about it!

Happy summer running everyone!