We are two sisters living on separate sides of the country. One of the things that connects us, beside our love of hot beverages, is fitness. We love to run and strength train, and share the benefits of exercise with others. From the sisters who created Illume Fitness, we bring you Illuminated Runners: musings on running, cross fit, strength training, family, travel, life, and some serious dorkiness in there, too. "The spirit illuminates everything."

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

August - Still Just Running to Run

Ahhh yes, it's August. The time of year when people here become separated into the following distinct groups:

1) Those getting caught up in the "back-to-school" buzz, lamenting how summer is over and it went too fast. Members of this group are stocking up on back-packs and planning out school lunch menus, all the while getting the best deals on summer sandals for their kids for NEXT summer.
2) Those who are vehemently angry towards said #1 group, because "summer is NOT over," and members of this group are frantically trying to squeeze in every last drop of summer. You may see this group throwing camping gear in the car and heading off to do the requisite summer camping trip, while eating the hot dog and chips that they forgot to have yet this summer (what? who forgets that?).
3) Those who can not hear any of the back-to-school plans, or the "summer is NOT over" grumbles, on account of the lake water lodged deep in their ears. Members of this group are walking around in a blissful daze caused by a constant sugar-high from daily ice cream balanced with hours staring at the way the clouds float slowly over the lake. They also will be found writing June 27th on their checks, and if you ask them who their children's teachers are this year, they may give you a puzzled, far-away look.

Where do I stand on this list? 97% in the #3 camp, with the last 3% wavering back and forth between #1 and #2.

This summer has been great. Really, really great. I have watched my boys turn into tanned, summer boys ready to grab their fishing poles and head to the beach at a moment's notice. I have been impressed with their ability to sleep in a tent, pick up new skills (kayaking, plant identification, s'more-making), and make themselves at home at any one of the 8 (yes, 8) places we have stayed this summer.

I'm impressed, too, that my husband and I have managed to get some work done this summer. One of us a little more than the other. Ahem. Let me just brush the beach sand off my feet. And, I have reveled in the running and racing I have done. Most of the runs I have done were not only without my Garmin, but without a watch at all! No headphones either, just me and the miles ahead with no worries of how fast or slow I was running. Just running to run.

I do realize I need to deal with the water deep in the crevice of my ear. It's kind of starting to hurt. And every once in a while I have this sneaking suspicion that there are other seasons besides summer. But for now, I'm going to live it up, eat my ice cream, swim with my boys and run with no watch. At least until we return back home, and back to reality next week on June 27th. Oh right, I mean August 19th.

Live it up everyone!

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