We are two sisters living on separate sides of the country. One of the things that connects us, beside our love of hot beverages, is fitness. We love to run and strength train, and share the benefits of exercise with others. From the sisters who created Illume Fitness, we bring you Illuminated Runners: musings on running, cross fit, strength training, family, travel, life, and some serious dorkiness in there, too. "The spirit illuminates everything."

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Let the Adventurz Begin!

It's true. It looks like I  stole my sister's first blog post title, but if you look closely, you'll see I added a z at the end, so technically it's not copying. ;) Okay, it is...I won't do it again*.

Anyway....I'm excited to start blogging! Especially since last night I had another running dream where I was running a 800meter race, and early on found myself at the front of the pack. Soon enough my legs started to get heavy and I slowed down. Then I realized I was pushing a heavy prowler(torturous cross-fit workout device that basically is a sled with weight on it) and everyone else was just pushing cardboard. I was losing my lead fast, and kept trying to move my legs, but they would only shuffle along."Just keep running!" I told myself as cardboard cut outs of objects being pushed by fellow racers flew by me. At this point, I willed myself awake, laughing at the absurdity of it, but also dying to search for dream analysis online....

 Let me just say that it's been a crazy year for me. Last year at this time I was getting ready for my first Rwanda trip, where I went to Kigali to teach SAT & TOEFL to a group of amazing young women who applied to colleges this past fall in the U.S. I LOVED my time there, loved the adventure and when I came back to San Francisco in the fall, my life of tutoring and personal training all over the city, all hours of the day, all days of the week seemed less appealing. I needed to make a change. So when I was offered a temporary  3 month teaching job starting in January, back in Rwanda, this time in a small village at an all girls school... I jumped on it. I gave up my apartment, gave notice to my jobs...and then one week before I was set to leave for Vermont to spend the month with my family before heading to Rwanda ..... I met Karl (!!!) We had an immediate connection and, I'll make a long story very short....there were lots of visits and planes....he spent 10 days in Rwanda....and after I came back I moved in with him in Berkeley!! Yea!!

Now, I'm trying to piece together a more sane life than before, but so far am still zipping around from job to job. Also....about 6 months ago, when I was at the beginning of changing everything up, I joined two friends to start a non-profit called Give A Day Global, which pairs international travelers with daylong volunteering opportunities. It's been so exciting, energizing and BUSY as we prepare to launch in the fall.

As I write all this down... It's clear to me that amidst all the chaos is the realization that everything that's happened this year has been really amazing. I also realize that one of the things that has kept me sane and calm is running. Hitting the ground with my feet...listening to that rhythm, is my way to clear my head and to keep on keeping on.

Looking forward to continuing that rhythm and to the next few months of adventurz**!! :)

* I needed to copy once more
** But that's it!

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